"A prisoner of thoughts"/UNPOETRY

A prisoner of thoughts!

Have you ever tried meeting the absolute real part of yourself?

Sometimes we are afraid to know the depth of oneself

Because what if we are gonna hate ourselves after then?

These days are so monotonous

I am rotating in the whirl of doing nothing.

I have supersizing ambitions

Growing desires and expectations

But the slothness in actions

The frustrations in the journey

I am at the confusing confluence of darkness and light.

I dont know where the sadness ends and blissfullness start

I dont know when the chains will break and life will be free.

The longing of childhood to become adult 

The current willingness of the beautiful past

I dont know if I am moving forward

or stuck at the transition.

I feel like I am ignorant to the realities 

I feel like I am stranger to this journey

I feel like I am not driving the story

I feel like I am many things and nothing at once

I feel like I am futile.

Or I not making head or tail of circumstances.

But isnt this life?

The stupid wandering

The back and forth of pleasures.


There is no answer to everything

There is no utopia

There is just reality

The bewildering reality.

This is life 

This is life 

Living as a prisoner of thoughts.



  1. When it rains, it pours..but soon the sun shines again. Stay positive. Better days are on their way.


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